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 How to get to Torres del Paine

Your adventure begins with the Las Torres Transportation Team

  • 5 mins

By opening the door of our van, you open the door to adventure. Hopping on board marks not only the beginning of your journey, but also the beginning of the unique travel experience that Las Torres has to offer.

Whether you are arriving from Puerto Natales or Punta Arenas, or you’re venturing into the interior of Torres del Paine National Park, our direct shuttle service awaits you. Comfortable and friendly, our shuttle services are exclusive. At Las Torres Patagonia, we have an exceptional team of professional drivers, ready to accompany and guide you on your adventures through Patagonia. 

Our drivers are all passionate about their work, and won’t hesitate to stop to let you know if a puma is in sight or to share interesting facts about the area with you. It’s little moments like these that let you know you’ve already started on your way to an unforgettable trip. 

Our transportation team offers two types of services. We are able to transport our visitors from their arrival points in Punta Arenas or Puerto Natales to the hotel, and also provide transportation services to the park's interior–covering the distances needed in order to visit different attractions inside the park. 

To ensure a safe trip with high service standards, our drivers have an A2 Professional license, and some with an A3 Professional license—allowing them to drive large buses as well. They also have extensive knowledge of the different routes they have to travel, being very cautious of the weather conditions that may come along the way. 

Allow us to introduce you to some of the drivers who are part of our transportation team here at Las Torres Patagonia.

Las Torres Patagonia Transportation Team

Aldo Mattioni: “Always with eyes on the road”

Aldo Mattioni is in his third season with us, and is 50 years old. His main motivation when he goes out every day in his van is to "do the job as well as possible, and to provide a service that makes everyone happy.”

In the face of adverse road conditions, including wind, rain and snow, Aldo says that it is key to "keep an eye on everything,” and that in order to be able to anticipate changes in road conditions he is always aware of the route, the weather, and, of course, the passengers.

One of the things he enjoys most about his job are his colleagues, highlighting the character and professionalism of each member of the transportation team. 

As Aldo recalls, one of his most treasured memories happened when a well-known Chilean TV actor asked for his help and asked him to accompany him along the route in order to show him the main vista points on his way to Torres del Paine. 

 Your adventure begins with the Las Torres Transportation Team

Basilio Lira: “Always watch out for wind on the road”

Basilio Lira is 32 years old, and is currently working his third season with us in the transportation team. He’s learned to watch out for wildlife on the road, and is always watching out for any Patagonian animal that might cross the road.

This young driver says that the wind is a perpetual source of caution during transfers, as side or cross gusts can affect both his vehicle and that of other drivers on the road.

Reminiscing about a special moment, Basilio tells us that once a young man in love had planned to propose marriage at the Mirador Condor at dawn. Despite some moments of uncertainty between the couple, the story had a happy ending and the ‘yes’ came with a Patagonian sunrise, in part thanks to the work of our driver.

 Your adventure begins with the Las Torres Patagonia Transportation Team

Alejandro Rodríguez: “A passion for exploring the Torres del Paine landscapes”

Alejandro Rodríguez is 33 years old, and the 2023-2024 season marks his fourth stint with Las Torres Patagonia. One of the things he is most passionate about in his work is being able to drive through the incredible landscapes in the Torres del Paine National Park.

When driving in the Magallanes Region, Alejandro mentions that there are multiple factors to be aware of, such as the clouds of dust that rise along the dirt roads, or the pebbles that get picked up the wheels of other vehicles. Our young driver says that being attentive to these details is key.

One of his most memorable experiences happened when arriving at Villa Serrano, where he and the passengers witnessed the moment when a puma hunted a guanaco. The scene shocked the passengers, and remained forever etched in their memory of Patagonia's wildlife.

 Your adventure begins with the Las Torres Transportation Team

Camilo Henríquez Ossandón Miranda: “15 years of working with Las Torres Patagonia”

Camilo is our oldest driver at the hotel, and has been with us for 15 seasons. He has become a kind of mentor for his colleagues, giving inductions to newcomers and warning them of the difficulties that may arise along their routes, passing along his knowledge in order to continue excellence in the service offered at Las Torres. 

The main piece of advice that he gives to his colleagues is that the route should be approached with all five senses, and to always anticipate what scenarios may arise up ahead. 

"I love the park, the nature brings me tranquility, and I really enjoy enriching myself with the culture of the passengers who come to visit us," says Camilo. He adds that the years he has worked in Torres del Paine have allowed him to learn about nature and wildlife, and have allowed him to enrich the journeys of those who visit for the first time.

At Las Torres Patagonia, every moment and interaction with our guests becomes a unique experience. Come and immerse yourself in a complete 360-degree journey, from beginning to end.