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Patagonian sheepdogs

Learn the story of our Barbucho dogs

  • 8 mins

All our all-inclusive program guests arriving from Punta Arenas visit our Cerro Negro Ranch.  This remarkable place honors the tradition and history of the Kusanovic family and old local customs. One of the ranch’s primary activities is raising sheep, which are sheared each season for their wool. This work is only possible thanks to the commitment of the ranchers and their faithful companions, the Barbucho dogs, which we will discuss here.

Patagonian sheepdogs

The Patagonian sheepdog

Let us start with the most important thing: What are Barbucho dogs? For those unfamiliar with the breed, the Barbucho or Patagonian Sheepdog has long hair, especially on its cheeks, which looks like a beard, hence its name.  (Barbucho means bearded in Spanish.) The medium-sized breed has an elongated body, thick fur and droopy ears. Its coat can have mottled shades of gray, brown, white, black and some spots.

We have previously featured Maremma dogs, which also play an essential role in Patagonia; however, there are differences between the two breeds and their roles. The Patagonian sheepdog is a companion and helps the shepherd move sheep, while Maremma dogs and Great Pyrenees focus more on protecting the sheep from potential predators, like pumas.

Barbucho dogs

Breeding Patagonian sheepdogs at Cerro Negro

Ninoska Kusanovic Olate currently works at Cerro Negro, where her family has bred and raised Patagonian sheepdogs for generations.  Her family’s history was built on raising livestock in the Magallanes Region, which would have been impossible without the companionship and help of sheepdogs.

Ninoska reports that Magallanes’ low connectivity with the macrozone’s other urban areas resulted in a small gene pool for breeding. In the past, ranchers looking for workers to tend their sheep required applicants to have their own dog. The shepherds began breeding their animals to select characteristics that made the dogs excellent shepherds.

Thanks to the crossbreeding of several traditional breeds, the dog we now call the Patagonian Sheepdog (Barbucho Magallánico) was born. The breed is 100% specialized in herding, can better tolerate extreme weather and possesses the instinct vital for any working dog: adeptly handling a flock of sheep or herd of cattle.

Cerro Negro Ranch Patagonia

How are Patagonian sheepdogs trained?

As mentioned above, the Kusanovic family has been breeding Patagonian sheepdogs for generations since Ninoska’s great-grandfather, Antonio Kusanovic Jersic, worked with the animals. 

Each master must train his or her dog. The idea is for the dog to bond with its master, understand orders and develop an instinct to protect the flock. Training begins early; at four months, the dog is left with the sheep, so it recognizes them as part of its pack from the time it is a puppy. At nine months, the dog accompanies its master in tasks, including moving the flock and following its master on horseback. 

The company of an experienced dog is one of the keys to training new dogs. The puppies learn from their example and emulate their work.

Cerro Negro Ranch Patagonia

The Barbuchos at Cerro Negro today

There are currently four Patagonian sheepdogs on the ranch and six other dogs that are sheepdog varieties.  Ninoska and her father, Mauricio Kusanovic Marusic, continue the tradition passed down by her grandfather, Antonio Kusanovic Senkovic. 

Upon arrival at Cerro Negro, some guests get to explore the place in the company of these affectionate dogs. Palo, who Mauricio Kusanovic raised, is one of the most docile, gentle animals on the ranch.  If animals, like dogs, are your thing, you will spend much of your visit at Cerro Negro enjoying their company and the camaraderie that develops between animal and master.

When making your reservation, if you wish to visit Cerro Negro and meet the barbuchos, please note that you must arrive in the region through Punta Arenas. The van transfer from this city stops at the ranch, allowing you to enjoy the experience.  In contrast, the city of Puerto Natales is closer to the park than to Cerro Negro, so trips from Puerto Natales do not include this stop.

We invite you to check your schedule and start your all-inclusive experience in Torres del Paine with a visit to Cerro Negro.  You will see our dogs in action and learn about sheep shearing and how the Kusanovic family began writing their history in Magallanes. Patagonia awaits!